How to boost your hotel reservations!

Your hotel's reservations are down after high season?
Need to boost your reservations and make extra money? 

It's more simple than you think it is.
For starters, go to reports on your hoteliga account and choose Reservations by Country. Check on the report where your customer’s come from.
Are there any special dates on the calendar that these customers lend themselves as an excuse to celebrate? You may want to promote Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day.

Do you have a high number of overseas visitors? What are the dates they like to celebrate? Promote those. It’s an excuse to grab the attention of your existing customers. You could even celebrate any important dates on the hotel's calendar, for example the anniversary of the hotel’s opening, anything could be an excuse to offer something special. With a bit of imagination you can make a whole event around a day with special menus or activities.
And don’t forget to make price promotions!
Simple, offer what you have and add some value to it. For example tell your customers that if they stay 2 nights they get the 3rd night for free. Give them 10% off if they revisit.

There is so much you could do to get more reservations during low season, just let your imagination free and it will work for you!
