Make it easier to manage your hotel with hoteliga!
Keep track of all payments and stop losing money!
With one click you can see a graphical display of your income per month, your revenues for the specific period, details for sales per month, customer´s due amounts, all payments for the time you want and where they come from and much more.
Manage your reservations quickly!
Manage arrivals and departures quickly and gain time for more important things in life.
Hoteliga offers an easy to understand and clear Calendar page where you can see empty rooms. Together with all relevant availability reports will help you maximize your revenues.
If you need to make a change just drag and drop the reservation to another room or another date, we made it that easy.
Manage everyday tasks with ease!
Just print out all the meals you need to prepare and give it to the cook.
View all arrivals, departures and checked in guests in one simple display.
Give your customers a smooth and nice experience!
Make your customers feel safe by sending dynamic confirmation reservation emails with just a click.
Make them feel unique by sending a thank you email when they leave your hotel.
Check out more features of our online hotel management software
With one click you can see a graphical display of your income per month, your revenues for the specific period, details for sales per month, customer´s due amounts, all payments for the time you want and where they come from and much more.
Manage your reservations quickly!
Manage arrivals and departures quickly and gain time for more important things in life.
Hoteliga offers an easy to understand and clear Calendar page where you can see empty rooms. Together with all relevant availability reports will help you maximize your revenues.
If you need to make a change just drag and drop the reservation to another room or another date, we made it that easy.
Manage everyday tasks with ease!
Just print out all the meals you need to prepare and give it to the cook.
View all arrivals, departures and checked in guests in one simple display.
Give your customers a smooth and nice experience!
Make your customers feel safe by sending dynamic confirmation reservation emails with just a click.
Make them feel unique by sending a thank you email when they leave your hotel.
Check out more features of our online hotel management software